Del HC: Husband citizen and domicile of USA, Can he raise objections on divorce proceedings filed by wife in India? Court decrypts the law in light of catena of SC’s decisions.

Karan Goel v. Kanika GoelMat. App. (F.C.) 101 of 2020Decided on 12-10-2020Delhi High Court: A Division Bench of Hima Kohli and Subramonium Prasad, JJ., while observing a matrimonial application, observed…

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Bombay HC: When court should not condone delay in filing of appeal on the ground of illness of appellant ?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY BENCH AT AURANGABADCIVIL APPLICATION NO.9753 OF 2016 IN SAST/12207/2016Saw. Lata  Pravin Chandan Vs Kashinath Ramji Shinde (Died)Through Legal Heirs.CORAM : SMT.VIBHA KANKANWADI, J.Dated : 25-04-2019. At…

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